Facing criminal charges can be a life-altering event that requires a criminal defense attorney you can trust. Trusting your attorney can be a difficult task though, especially when determining exactly what you should divulge. At Angus Lee Law Firm we will fight hard to clear your name and achieve a favorable outcome. However, the efficacy of our defense relies heavily on the information we are given to prepare the case. Here are four reasons why it’s important to be honest and upfront with your criminal defense attorney.
Four Reasons to Be Honest And Upfront With Your Lawyer
Four Reasons to Be Honest And Upfront With Your Lawyer

Formulate A Defense
For your lawyer to design a credible and strategic defense that creates doubt, they need to have all of the details. Without having all the information, you are potentially opening your criminal defense attorney up to being surprised in the courtroom, which is never good. At Angus Lee Law Firm we believe in gathering all the particulars surrounding your case to provide you with the best defense possible.

Attorney-Client Privilege
Any information that you divulge to your lawyer falls under attorney-client privilege. This means that not only is it unethical for them to share privileged information, but it’s also illegal. Even if you choose to dismiss your current attorney later, and hire Angus Lee Law Firm, anything you shared with them previously still falls under attorney-client privilege. The only exception to this rule is if a client shares intent to commit fraud or any further crimes.

No Judgements
It can be scary being open and vulnerable with someone. Trusting a lawyer with the details involving your case can be just as frightening. Remember that it is not the job of your criminal defense attorney to judge you. Our job at Angus Lee Law Firm is to evaluate all of the details and achieve the best possible outcome. We will always have your best interest at heart, no matter what the facts are.

They Know The Law
While the client may view some of the facts surrounding the case as unimportant or inconsequential, we at Angus Lee Law Firm believe that no detail is too little. A good criminal defense attorney looks at all of the minutiae through the lens of the criminal justice system. As minor as it may seem to you, your lawyer will view the same detail in a completely different light.
Whether you choose to share all the pertinent details with your lawyer depends on a few things, including circumstances, whether or not you are guilty, and whether your lawyer even wants to know all the facts. When you meet with your criminal lawyer for the first time, ask them upfront how much information they are comfortable hearing. If they want as few details as possible, this may be a red flag, as they may lack the information necessary to provide you with the best defense strategy. Contact Angus Lee Law Firm for a criminal defense attorney in Washington State that you can trust for thorough, practical, and non-judgmental representation today!